Getting pregnant wasn't as easy as you thought? You and me both. After coming to the realization that you have to get some infertility assistance, you have the pressure of determining which option is best. Do I go with just clomid, or get a little more assistance with IUI, or fork over my savings for IVF? What about a natural transfer, or PGS testing?? When it comes to treatments, you don't always have the choice to pick. But it's best to at least understand the difference between the main options for Assisted Reproductive Treatments (ART).
Medicated Cycles
Injected or taken in pill form, the drugs release hormones that induce ovulation to boost egg production and make the uterus more receptive to embryo implantation.
IUI or Artificial Insemination
Specially prepared ("washed") sperm is inserted directly into the uterus through a thin, flexible catheter during IUI, the most commonly fertility method. If you choose this method, your doctor might recommend that you take fertility drugs as well, to increase the chances of fertilization.
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
An embryologist selects a healthy-looking, single sperm from the male's semen and injects it directly into the egg with a microscopic needle. Once an embryo develops it's transferred into the uterus through IVF.
Multistep process (called a cycle) in which your eggs are extracted and fertilized with sperm in a lab. Once embryos develop, one or two are implanted in your uterus and the rest are stored.
Other options for single individuals, same-sex couples and couples with problems with their egg or sperm cells include donor sperm, donor eggs, and surrogates.
Donor Eggs
Eggs are obtained from the ovaries of another woman (usually younger) and fertilized by sperm from the recipient's partner. Resulting embryos are then transferred into the recipient's uterus.
Donor Sperm
Sperm from a man other than the intended father is used during IUI or IVF.
Donor Embryos
Embryos are donated by couples undergoing IVF who become pregnant and no longer need unused fertilized eggs. The donated embryo is then transferred into the recipient.
The surrogate carries a baby for another woman. The surrogate becomes pregnant by artificial insemination, using the father's sperm or through IVF with the couple's embryo. Donor eggs and sperm may also be used.
This is a quick description of some, not all, of the main options for ART. For our journey, we have moved forward with IVF as our situation would not have been successful with just IUI or medication. If you want more information on one of the processes, feel free to ask or simply google ;). It means a lot to individuals that are going through ART that you took the time to learn about what they are going through.
Until next time... JR.