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667 Days

Writer's picture: Julie R.Julie R.

Throughout my blogs, I never used the actual dates of our appointments. This has helped me avoid questions like "Well did it work?" "How was the appointment?" etc... But I am breaking that during this blog.

Monday, April 22 (Day 654), was the most exciting and nerve wracking day of this process. It was our transfer day. We had been through so much leading up to that day, it was hard to image that it was actually here. I had the longest 10 days of my life coming up. To see if it actually worked. Did we have a little Baby Ray cookin'? Or were we going to have to try again and thaw a second embryo.

The days after the transfer were extremely hard. Every flinch, cramp, random thing that I thought was a symptom. I didn't sleep well last night. My fingers were moving a mile a minute searching every thing possible on Google. After laying down at 10:30, I didn't fall asleep until about 2:30 a.m. On Tuesday, (Day 655), my back was a little sore. Little pings and pulls here and there. Started my walks around the sub to make sure I am still getting some exercise in the next few weeks.

This week was also infertility awareness week and one of my friends and old co-workers had the blessing of being invited to the Today Show to share their story. Her and her husband had been struggling to get pregnant as well and after a few failed IUI sessions, they were starting to save up for the next step, IVF. With their insurance, they didn't have coverage so it would be out of pocket. They were so lucky that the Bundle of Joy Fund selected them to be their guest and were granted $20,000 toward their journey to parenthood. I bawled my eyes out in happiness for them.

Wednesday, (Day 656), I slept a little better last night but my back is still sore. Minor cramps but nothing to call the doctor about. Current cravings today: a crunchwrap, chubby hubby ice cream and chicken fries. They have said "pregnancy" dreams are intense but I didn't realize how clear and vivid they would be with these hormones.

Thursday (Day 657), my back is still a little sore but whoa cramping. They have said that some spotting with cramping is okay - it is called implantation bleeding (the bleeding actually only happens with about 35% of women) - this is when the embryo burrows its way into your uterus lining. But no spotting. Got a little present in the mail today - my best friend sent pregnancy tests! HAHA! Someone is as excited to test as I am.

Friday (Day 658), 4dp6dt (4 days post 6 day (how old the embryo was) transfer), the embryo is technically 10 days old. This is when some women started to get positive tests. Well, Walmart has $0.89 tests sooooo I figured I would buy a few. I tried a test tonight, didn't get my hopes up because I know this is still really early, but I was being hopeful. Unfortunately, it came back negative. Let's see how long I can last until the next test. Another friend sent more digital pregnancy tests - now I don't feel guilty testing and spending all that money on tests (cuz all women going through this knows you spend SO much on tests).

Saturday (Day 659), 5dp6dt, apparently my self-will is at an all time low, because when I woke up, I took another test. Nothing showed up after the said 3 minutes. But I left it on the counter just in case. I came back in the bathroom 45 minutes later, and I could SWEAR I saw a light line. I sent it to my sister (the only person who I told I was testing early - less people to let down if it didn't work). She thought she might have seen it too, but it could be just us hoping. This afternoon, I had the WORST migraine I have ever had in my life. To the point I could not keep my eyes open and had to put on an eye mask. Laid down in the bed for a bit to see if that helped... 3 hours later it finally went away. Couldn't wait until the morning to test again so I did another one at night... that line is definitely getting darker and it's not just me. I am not going to get too excited because was not absolutely positive and instant.

Sunday (Day 660), 6dp6dt, took another one... okay don't judge me... I am POAS (pee on a stick) crazy. Definitely getting darker so I whipped out a digital test to get that official YES. Well... it was negative. Definitely disappointing but I will stay positive that it is still early.

Monday, April 29, (Day 661), 7dp6dt, the day that most women get their positive tests. Guess what I did this morning... I POAS! haha :) I know, I keep it interesting. Okay, I am definitely not crazy, that line is getting darker. Decided to take another digital test to get that answer. Holy Shirt (If you watch the Good Place, you will understand)... LOOK!

I texted my sister "What are you doing January 8?" - Um I'm not sure, why? she replied, clearly not thinking about it.... and then I sent her the picture of the test. OMG OMG YAY Im crying, you're a jerk! - was her response :) I was bawling. We have worked so hard and waited so long to finally see that word show up. I took the test and put it in a gift bag with a little onesie I bought a few weeks ago and came out of the bathroom to wake Cheyenne up. I am sure he suspected I had been testing but I had never told him. I didn't want to get his hopes up/down until I was sure. I woke him up and handed it over:

I crawled back into bed with him and broke down. I cannot believe this is actually happening. His response was "I'll be busy that day." For now, we are going to enjoy this moment between us (and my sister) until we get the official, official yes from the blood test on Thursday.

Thursday, May 2, (Day 664) I headed up to Indy to give a blood sample for them to test my HCG level. This is called a Beta test. What they look for is a higher number, but then they test a few days later to make sure the level is continuously doubling. I got there early, and as always they were able to get me in early too. Now I just have to wait for them to call me with the results. I jumped in the car and started my drive to Michigan. I bought some donuts and created a sign that said "Eat Up - my mom doesn't want to be the only one with a belly" My parents were to open the box and see that when I got home.

2 hours later... I received the call from the doctor. HCG level 251 - we are OFFICIALLY pregnant! I was thankful enough to have them move my second test to 3 days later instead of 2 so I could spend the whole weekend in Michigan.

I let Cheyenne know that we had a baby growing, texted a few friends, and let my brother know (he called and couldn't believe it - thanks for making me cry Mike). I wanted to tell my parents in person. I got to the house and before I could even get in the door my mom came running to the door "Well? Did you get the call? Did they call!?" I opened the box of donuts and tried to get her to see the sign, but she wouldn't look down. Mom - just look down. "I don't want a donut right now, did they call?!" MOM - JUST LOOOK IN THE BOXXX!! .... My dad came downstairs after he heard her cheer. "Do I get to stay in my house this weekend or no?" - meaning if it was negative, he knew there would be lots of women crying at the house the whole time and he was going to go to my brothers haha - Yes, Dad, you get to stay!

The weekend was filled with my sister coming over with my baby nephew, bringing some cute outfits for the bump, then my best friend visiting with her two kids and bringing boxes of clothes for our little one. My boobs are supppperrr sore and tender. Don't hug or touch me, holy crap! It was a wonderful weekend at home.

Off to Fort Wayne (the fertility office second location) to get my second beta test done on Sunday, May 5 (Day 667). Few hours later, they called with the results - 800! Baby Ray is growing just as it should! We scheduled our 7 week ultrasound for May 24 - what a great early present that will be - seeing our baby.


We are more that excited to share this wonderful news with everyone. It has been such a long road to get to this point and the support that we have received from family, friends, people we haven't spoke to in years, and strangers in support groups, is more than we could have even expected. Thank you to everyone for being our cheerleaders during this process. We are so lucky that on our first transfer, we were able to obtain a pregnancy, which I know that is not the case for everyone on this path.

For the future of the blog, I will continue to post about my unplanned path to parenthood and our pregnancy. I will continue to be a support system for those struggling with their own paths, sharing information, their stories and more.

Thank you again everyone! <3

Until next time... JR

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